Answer the following questions. You will receive immediate feedback when you select your answer or when you click on the green check mark (). When you are finished, click the How Did I Do? button to see your score.

  1. What two types of rainforests are there?
  1. Where are the largest temperate rainforests found?
  1. What happened to the North American rainforest in the early 1900s?
  1. Where are tropical rainforests located?
  1. What are some activities that are currently diminishing tropical rainforests?
  1. How do the rainforests benefit us and the environment?
  1. If the earth continues to lose rainforests at the current rate, how long will it be before there are no rainforests left?
  1. About what portion of the earth's plant and animal species live in the rainforests?
  1. About how much rain do the rainforests in the Pacific Northwest receive each year?
  1. If the rainforests disappear, what consequences might we expect to see?