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Fifth: Keep Your Goals SMART

SMART is an acronym that may help as you strive to set effective goals.

S = Specific. Goals should be specific. They should answer the questions of who, what, where, when, and why. A general goal would be to get in shape. A specific goal would be to run three miles three times a week.

M = Measurable. Goals should be measurable. You must be able to track progress toward your goal. A nonmeasurable goal would be to save for retirement. A measurable goal would be to have an annuity that pays you $50,000 per year in retirement.

A = Achievable. Goals should be achievable. If you can determine what is important to you, you can select goals that are achievable. Achievable goals are goals which your attitudes, abilities, skills, and interest can help you to accomplish.

R = Reportable. Reportable goals are goals which you can and are willing to report on each period: to yourself, to a spouse or friend, and to Heavenly Father.

T = Time-bound. Time-bound goals are goals with a specific time frame. A goal is time-bound if you set a specific date it is to be achieved by. A non-time-bound goal would be to gain an education. A time-bound goal would be to earn a bachelor’s degree in four years.


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