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2. Lack of Communication

Communication between spouses is critical.  Communication is a sign of respect between spouses.  Be willing to understand, discuss, and reconcile attitudes early in a relationship
Resolve misunderstandings before they escalate.  Implement family processes that promote trust and mutual discussion on important issues.

What can be done?

Develop a communication plan where the two of you can meet regularly (daily, weekly, etc.) to discuss important issues.  Ideally, set up a weekly stewardship meeting where you discuss finances, budget, investments, and so on. This should be one of your most important meetings (after church meetings, FHE, temple attendance and weekly dates).  Make communication a priority.  Elder L. Tom Perry calls this a family executive committee meeting.  He wrote:

I’ve often thought of the happy times we had when our family was young and our children were at home. I have made a mental review of those days and considered the changes I would make in our family organization and administration if we had the opportunity to live that period over again. There are two areas I would determine to improve if that privilege were granted to me to have young children in our home once again.  The first would be to spend more time as husband and wife in a family executive committee meeting learning, communicating, planning, and organizing to better fulfill our roles as parents.  The second wish I would like, if I could have those years over, would be to spend more family time. This includes more consistent, meaningful family home evenings. (L. Tom Perry, “Therefore I Was Taught,” Ensign, May 1994, 36)

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